During the coronavirus pandemic, some people are hoarding and stockpiling cases of toilet paper and disinfectants. While it is important to have these items on hand, there is no reason to fill up your basement with them. We’ve made a list of useful supplies for quarantine that you may have forgotten. The supply chain is not broken, so only buy what you need.

Cleaning Supplies for Quarantine

While sheltering-in-place, you can use your free time to deep clean the house. It’s a good idea to keep your home clean and sanitized, especially during a global pandemic. Take a look at your broom, mop, and duster. If these items are old, worn-out, and dirty, it’s time to replace them.

Have an assortment of cleaning solutions like a multi-surface cleaner, glass cleaner, wood cleaner, tile cleaner, and toilet cleaner. Keep inexpensive natural ingredients around like baking soda and vinegar that you can use to clean, too. You’ll do a better job deep cleaning when you have all the necessary supplies.

Bottled Water

Even though there is no reason why the coronavirus crisis should interrupt your water supply, it is always a good idea to keep extra drinking water in case of an emergency. There is always the possibility you may lose water to a municipal line breaking or another reason.

With limited resources, it could take longer than usual to fix the problem. Buy several gallons of purified water to keep in storage ahead of time so that you’re prepared for an emergency.

Home Safety Supplies for Quarantine

There are certain home safety essentials that you should always have in your home which should be included in your list of supplies for quarantine. Things like batteries for smoke detectors, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, escape ladders, and a disaster kit should be kept in your house at all times. Since you are spending more time at home, you want to make sure it is safe.

Non-Perishable Foods

As mentioned above, there is no reason to be stockpiling anything. However, making fewer trips to the grocery store helps lower your risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. Keep plenty of non-perishable dried, canned, and frozen foods in the house to limit your trips to the store.

All Pro Property Inspections provides home inspection services to San Diego and the surrounding region. Contact us to schedule an inspection.